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Our mission

We are behind a number of initiatives designed to promote and highlight the Tifault family name.

Our family association is a group of passionate people who wish to bring together the descendants of our ancestors to forge links, exchange knowledge about our family history and pass it on from generation to generation.

To do so, we organize gatherings and meetings that bring together the descendants of Jacques Tifault and Marie-Anne L'Écuyer, we compile and share information on our family history and genealogy, and we increase the outreach of the members of our extended family through our various means of communication, from newsletters to websites and social media.

Our incorporation in 1984 demonstrates the seriousness of our endeavours. Our Board of Directors is elected at the Annual General Meeting. Together with our members, they write the great book of our family history, day by day. This collaboration ensures that our history is both comprehensive and alive.

Our association is committed to preserving our research work and sharing it with as many people as possible. It promotes our family heritage using today's technologies. Our actions help to pass on this knowledge and love of the past to the general public.